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Nijushiho - 二十四歩

Nijushiho, or “24 Steps,” is named after the number of foot movements, or “steps,” present in the kata (this is not the same as the count of the moves). Originally called Niseishi (二十四 - twenty-four) in Okinawan, it is one of three Shotokan kata that descended from Aragaki Seisho, the others being Sochin and Unsu. The Aragaki kata are arguably the most popular of the advanced Shotokan kata, possessing unusual and mystical techniques, allowing a natural flow from one move to another. This is especially true with Nijushiho, where at certain points in the kata, the timing becomes very rapid, almost seeming a little rushed, yet always followed by a slow move to temper the kata’s pace and maintain the kata’s fluidity. It is an excellent kata for developing timing and rhythm. The sanchin-dachi (hour-glass stance, not very popular in Shotokan), the traditional haito (palm down), and the makiotoshi/teishi-awase-zuki combination (one of the “coolest” moves in kata) are all exclusive to Nijushiho and Unsu, both of which are Aragaki kata. The hiji-ate at the beginning of the kata, the several awase-zuki, and the haishu techniques are all solely found in Nijushiho, bringing to light a variety of new applications involving arm-locks, chokes, etc. The embusen is fairly compact, not allowing for too many steps in any one direction, and changes in direction are made with very little motion, giving this kata a fairly small frame. The kata abounds with double-hand attacks and elbow strikes which are often used for close range fighting. All of this lends to the idea that the karateka must defend within a small space, quickly changing opponents. The only long-range techniques found in Nijushiho are the two yokogeri-kekomi, the only chudan-kekomi found in any kata (unlike the gedan-kekomi from Bassai Dai). However, these kicks are considered a recent innovation, previously being only knee lifts, and were most likely not present in the kata’s original form. Nijushiho presently has a count of 34, with the two kiai points at #18 and #33 (Best Karate #10, 33 counts, kiai #18 & #32).

Kyodo Technique Translation Stance Target Notes
1 (nagashi) osae-uke (flowing) pressing block kokutsu-dachi chudan slow speed
2 gyaku-zuki reverse punch kokutsu-dachi chudan yori-ashi
3 zenwan-suhei-mune-kamae
forearm horizontal posture
(front elbow strike)
chudan slow speed
4 ryoken-ryokoshi-kamae both fists on both hips posture sanchin-dachi  
5 awase-zuki combined punch
sanchin-dachi jodan/gedan  
6 ryo-zenwan-hasami-uke both forearms scissors block ashi-dachi jodan  
7 ryoken-kakiwake-uke both fists wedge block zenkutsu-dachi chudan slow speed
8 age-uke rising block zenkutsu-dachi jodan  
9 tate-empi-uchi vertical elbow strike zenkutsu-dachi jodan  
10 shuto-kake-uke knife-hand hooking block kiba-dachi chudan slow speed
tate variation
11 yoko-kekomi side thrust kick ashi-dachi chudan  
12 tsuki (sokumen-zuki) punch (punch to side) kiba-dachi chudan  
13 shuto-kake-uke knife-hand hooking block kiba-dachi chudan slow speed
tate variation
14 yoko-kekomi side thrust kick ashi-dachi chudan  
15 tsuki (sokumen-zuki) punch (punch to side) kiba-dachi chudan  
16 tekubi-makiotoshi-uke &
(irimi) teisho-awase-zuki
wrist curling-falling block &
(body entering) palm-heel combined punch
teisho slow speed
yama variation
fudo variation
17 haito-soto-mawashi-uchi / koho-haito outside ridgehand strike / rear ridgehand zenkutsu-dachi jodan/gedan gedan-teisho variation
18* teko-uchi
backhand strike
(backhand rising strike)
heisoku-dachi jodan  
19 koko-sukui-uke /
koko-osae (tsukidashi)
tiger-mouth scooping block /
tiger-mouth pressing (thrust)
zenkutsu-dachi gedan
20 awase-zuki combined punch (U-punch) zenkutsu-dachi gedan  
21 haishu-uke backhand block kokutsu-dachi chudan slow speed
22 tate-empi-uchi vertical elbow strike kiba-dachi jodan  
23 tsuki (sokumen-zuki) /
punch (punch to side) /
outside flowing block
kiba-dachi chudan/
24 gedan-barai down block kiba-dachi gedan yori-ashi
25 haishu-uke backhand block kokutsu-dachi chudan slow speed
26 mae-empi-uchi front elbow strike kiba-dachi chudan  
27 gedan-uke / zenwan-mune-kamae down block / forearm in front of chest posture kiba-dachi gedan  
28 haishu-uke backhand block kokutsu-dachi chudan slow speed
29 tate-empi-uchi vertical elbow strike kiba-dachi jodan  
30 tsuki (yoko-zuki) /
punch (punch to side) /
outside flowing block
kiba-dachi chudan/
31 gedan-barai down block kiba-dachi gedan yori-ashi
32 ryoken-ryokoshi-kamae both both on both hips posture sanchin-dachi yori-ashi
33* awase-zuki combined punch
sanchin-dachi jodan/
34 tekubi-makiotoshi-uke &
wrist curling-falling block &
palm-heel combined punch
sanchin-dachi chudan
teisho slow speed