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Gankaku - 岩鶴

Legend has it that Gankaku was created by Sokon Matsumura, who was inspired by the teachings of a shipwrecked Chinese sailor skilled in the art of kung fu. Formerly known as Chinto (Battle East), Gankaku is one of the most graceful Shotokan kata. The kata is usually translated as “Crane on a Rock,” referring to the crane stance (tsuru-ashi-dachi), when one must sink on one-leg as if a crane perched, ready to strike. The crane stance in Gankaku is performed in manji-kamae and is always followed by an uraken/yoko-keage (followed by a punch) combo. Even though the kata has many fast and sharp attacks, it also exhibits several slow postures as well, lending a certain calmness to the kata, especially given the slow double-counts in tsuru-ashi-dachi. The embusen of this kata is a straight line (perpendicular to Tekki), characteristic of fighting in narrow passages or alleys (or even stairways).

Gankaku has several challenging forward spinning turns, unlike most kata which have reverse turning motions. Simply put, forward turns begin with a stepping forward motion in order to change direction while reverse turns begin with a backward stepping motion to change direction. The only “normal” reverse stepping turn of Gankaku occurs during the 3rd manji-uke (#17), and even that is performed linearly (360 degrees), making it more difficult to maintain one’s balance. In addition to forward spinning and standing on one leg, the karateka must also be agile enough to execute a jumping double front kick. As can be seen, the practice of Gankaku helps to develop (and requires) excellent balance. The ability to pivot smoothly on one foot is also essential. Other aspects of the kata are fairly simple, consisting mostly of 3 repeated techniques: kosa-uke, kakiwake-uke, and manji-uke. The kata has a total count of 42.

Kyodo Technique Translation Stance Target Notes
1 ryosho-awase-uke both palms combined block kokutsu-dachi jodan  
2 ryosho-juji-osae-uke both palms X-pressing block kokutsu-dachi chudan  
3 tsuki (sokumen-zuki) punch (side punch) kokutsu-dachi chudan  
4 gyaku-zuki reverse punch kokutsu-dachi chudan  
5 gedan-barai down block kiba-dachi gedan  
6 kaisho-kosa-uke
both palms cross-block
(both palms X-block)
zenkutsu-dachi jodan  
7 ryoken-mune-mae-kosa both fists crossed in front of chest zenkutsu-dachi slow speed
8 nidan-geri &
ryoken-kosa (juji)-uke
two-level kick &
both fists cross (X) block

9 ryoken-kosa (juji)-uke both fists cross (X) block zenkutsu-dachi gedan  
10 gedan-uke down block kokutsu-dachi gedan  
11 shuto-uke knife-hand block kokutsu-dachi gedan  
12 ryosho-kakiwake-uke both palms wedge block zenkutsu-dachi chudan slow speed
13 ryosho-kakiwake-uke both palms wedge block kiba-dachi chudan slow speed
14 ryoken-kakiwake-uke both fists wedge block hachiji-dachi gedan slow speed
15 uchi-uke/
gedan-uke (manji-uke)
inside block/
down block (swirling block)
kokutsu-dachi jodan/
16 uchi-uke/
gedan-uke (manji-uke)
inside block/
down block (swirling block)
kokutsu-dachi jodan/
17 uchi-uke/
gedan-uke (manji-uke)
inside block/
down block (swirling block)
kokutsu-dachi jodan/
18 ryoken-kosa (juji)-uke both fists cross (X) block ashi-orishiki
19 ryoken-kakiwake-uke both fists wedge block kiba-dachi chudan slow speed
20 ryoken-kakiwake-uke both fists wedge block hachiji-dachi gedan slow speed
21 ryoken-ryokoshi-kamae both fists on both hips posture hachiji-dachi  
22 furi-enpi
swinging elbow
(elbow strike)
hizakutsu chudan  
23 furi-enpi
swinging elbow
(elbow strike)
hizakutsu chudan  
24 ryoken-kakiwake-uke both fists wedge block kosa-dachi chudan slow speed
25 uchi-uke-kamae/
gedan-kamae (manji-kamae)
inside block/
down block posture (swirling posture)
slow speed
26 ryoken-koshi-kamae both fists hip posture ashi-dachi
slow speed
27 uraken-yoko-mawashi-uchi/
sideways backfist strike/
side snap kick
ashi-dachi jodan/
28* oi-zuki lunge punch zenkutsu-dachi chudan  
29 uchi-uke-kamae/
gedan-kamae (manji-kamae)
inside block/
down block posture (swirling posture)
slow speed
30 ryoken-koshi-kamae both fists hip posture ashi-dachi
slow speed
31 uraken-yoko-mawashi-uchi/
sideways backfist strike/
side snap kick
ashi-dachi jodan/
32 sokumen-zuki
reverse punch
(side punch)
kiba-dachi chudan  
33 uchi-uke-kamae/
gedan-kamae (manji-kamae)
inside block/
down block posture (swirling posture)
slow speed
34 ryoken-koshi-kamae both fists hip posture ashi-dachi
slow speed
35 uraken-yoko-mawashi-uchi/
sideways backfist strike/
side snap kick
ashi-dachi jodan/
36 sokumen-zuki
reverse punch
(side punch)
kiba-dachi chudan  
37 shuto-uke knife-hand block ashi-zenkutsu jodan shuto-uchi variation
38 tate-enpi-uchi vertical elbow strike ashi-zenkutsu jodan  
39 ryote-koshi-kamae both hands hip posture ashi-zenkutsu  
40 ryoken-koshi-kamae both fists hip posture ashi-dachi
natural speed
41 uraken-yoko-mawashi-uchi/
sideways backfist strike/
side snap kick
ashi-dachi jodan/
42* oi-zuki lunge punch zenkutsu-dachi chudan