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Karate notes


Kata - 形

Shotokan kata all have two kiai, except for Wankan. They can be divided into groups.

Shitei Kata - 指定形

Shitei means “designated”, and these kata are the compulsory ones for brown and black belts. All Heian and Tekki Shodan are in the list. In competition, these are the kata that can be asked during qualification rounds. For black belt examination, the knowledge of these kata is required together with one of the Sentei kata of student’s choice.

Sentei Kata - 選定の形

Sentei means “selection”, and these kata are the selected ones to represent the essence of Shotokan karate. These include Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion and Enpi. The Sentei kata are significantly longer and more challenging than the Shitei kata. The Sentei kata are the source from where Heian kata were created in order to simplify them for new students. Brown belt need to choose one (usually, but not necessarily, Bassai Dai, for it forces to master the basic techniques) for their 2nd/1st kyu, and the black belt exam. This is normally referred to as Tokui - 特異 kata.


Name Moves First Kiai Second Kiai
Heian Shodan 21917
Heian Nidan 261126
Heian Sandan 201020
Heian Yondan 271325
Heian Godan 231219
Tekki Shodan 291529
Tekki Nidan 241624
Tekki Sandan 361636
Bassai Dai 421942
Kanku Dai 651565
Jion 471747
Enpi 371536
Jitte 241324
Gankaku 422842
Hangetsu 411140
Kanku Sho 48648
Bassai Sho 271722
Nijushiho 341833
Sochin 413041



The information on Kata is based on which contains precious information on Shotokan kata.